Run, laugh, and win: Running Man-inspired games for epic hangouts with your friends!

If you’re a fan of the popular variety show, Running Man, you’ll know that it’s not just about the celebrity guests but also the exciting and hilarious games they play. These games are not only fun to watch but can also be a blast to play with your own group of friends! Here are some Running Man-inspired games that you can easily recreate for your next gathering.

Name Tag Ripping

In this iconic Running Man game, each player has a name tag attached to their back. The objective is to rip off the name tags of the other players without getting your own tag ripped off. You can set boundaries and time limits to make the game more challenging and exciting.

The Flour Game

In this messy but fun game, a piece of candy or a small toy is buried in a bowl of flour. Players take turns using only their mouths to find the hidden object within a set time limit.

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Pillow Fight

This game is a simple but entertaining one. Players engage in a classic pillow fight, trying to knock each other off balance or off a designated area. The last person standing wins!

Eat and Run Race

Split up into teams for a race where you have to eat a snack or solve a quick puzzle before giving the next person a turn. Or find someone who eats the different type/flavor of food.

Guess the Song Challenge

Play bits of well-known songs and have everyone try to name the song and who sings it. You can mix it up with different kinds of music or old and new songs.

Charades: Running Man Edition

Add bits from Running Man into a charades game. Take turns acting out names of things, movie titles, food, or expressions while the rest try to guess.

These games, inspired by Running Man, are sure to make everyone laugh, have a blast, and enjoy some friendly competition at any hangout. Whether you’ve seen the show a lot or are just getting to know it, these games are a great way to have fun together. So, call your beshies, get set for some good times, and let’s see who wins!

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Have fun mga, bes!                        

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